It’s taken me way longer than it should have to come to this conclusion, but after nearly 3 years of putting more effort into the marketing of my art than the art itself, I’ve decided that I’m fucking stupid. Honestly, I’m not sure what I was thinking. I put so much time into making instagram posts and trailers and vlogs and even blogs, but all of it has been a distraction from what I actually like: making movies!
This post is merely a self-declaration that I will only make what I want to make from here on out. I will no longer make what I think I should make. I’ll post photos when I take nice ones, I’ll make vlogs when I have something to say, I’ll record podcasts when my friends want to talk, but I really want to put more of my energy into telling the stories that I feel compelled to tell.
I thought that promoting my art was just as important as making it (and maybe that’s true), but it’s clearly not working as much as I thought it would so what’s the point? If no one is going to watch my movies anyway, I might as well get really fucking good at making them while there’s no one here to criticize me. Hopefully, people will find my art from other people who enjoy it. Or maybe they’ll just stumble into it and be so thoroughly entertained that they can’t look away. Regardless, my art is what is important to me. Not my number of followers or subscribers.
This could backfire, but I have a feeling it will be the change that sets everything into motion for me.
Here’s to making art.