
Support Independent Artists While Self-Isolating! by Reese Hayes

This is a strange time we’re living in.  Many of us are struggling to make it through without our normal hours of work. Some of us are still working and need as much support as we can give them.  People have had to cancel gigs, shows, freelance work… It’s hard out there for an artist. 

Luckily, we’re a generous group of folks and have a strong desire to see our fellow artists thrive along with us.  That’s why we need to be extra supportive and help out by watching, listening to, and sharing their work with whomever we can!  I’ve compiled a list of films, music, podcasts, and YouTube channels from many of my friends that could use some help.  I know there’s a bunch more out there that I missed, so please FEEL FREE TO SEND THINGS MY WAY TO BE ADDED TO THIS LIST! I want it to be as comprehensive as possible :)

But in the mean time, sit back and enjoy.